Tuesday, June 19, 2007

July 2007

The Amateur Marriage A young Baltimore couple marries in the heat of World War: Pauline, impulsive, impractical, tumbles hit-or-miss through life, and Michael, ploddingly cautious, judgmental, and deliberate. Tyler's novel follows them through the ups and downs of their thirty years of marriage, raising their family and struggling to balance their deep-rooted differences, which may be too great to bridge.


l y n n e a west said...

Did you find Michael and Pauline to be sympathetic characters?

2. How do the time period and setting affect the story?

3. How is Pauline and Michael's marriage defined by Lindy's disappearance? Would they have still faced the same issues without this stress? Or would their marriage have still struggled because of their basic differences?

4. Do you think Michael was happier with Anna than he had been with Pauline? Was Pauline happier after the divorce than she had been when married to Michael?

5. How does Lindy's return affect the family? Does it help resolve any of the issues the family faced because of her disappearance? Did you understand Pagan's response to her return?

6. What is the meaning of the title? Are Pauline and Michael still amateurs at the end of their marriage?

l y n n e a west said...

Meeting, July 8th or 15th?

Lisa H. said...

Happy Summer! I'm looking forward to joining you soon. July 15 would work for me; but am out of town on July 8.