Sunday, May 13, 2007

Social Club with Suggested Readings

Well girls, here we go a blogging. I figure we can actually think about our reading and write about our thoughts on our blog, and when we meet, stick to the social! How about we try to enter the age of the interactive internet and blog about our thoughts and musings? We have a great group of women that I admire. We have a history I want to preserve. We have thoughts that are worth saving and sharing with each other.


Liv said...

Great idea Nea! This is my first time participating in something of this kind. I feel so up with the times!

Susie said...

I LOVE the idea of our own blog! Thank you for putting this together, Lynnea. This is my very first blog ever - and first of what will likely be very many with this group!

l y n n e a west said...

I think it will be a great way for those who come and go to stay abreast of our social and our readings. Cheers to Liana, who told me she is moving and inspired me!

Anonymous said...

My first blog experience, too. I feel very hip for being a late 30's mom type. Where is Liana going?

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.