Saturday, September 15, 2007

October and Beyond 2007

Well girls, we met at Cafe Latte and had some yummy soups and salads. Here is what we came up with for a schedule.
October 7th (the first Sunday, not second) we will discuss A Whole New Mind (see previous post). at Natasha's house, directions to her residence will be forthcoming.

November 11th, Kari's house. Nothing decided, but a friend recommended this to us: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. REVIEW: See's engrossing novel set in remote 19th-century China details the deeply affecting story of lifelong, intimate friends (laotong, or "old sames") Lily and Snow Flower, their imprisonment by rigid codes of conduct for women and their betrayal by pride and love. While granting immediacy to Lily's voice, See (Flower Net) adroitly transmits historical background in graceful prose. Her in-depth research into women's ceremonies and duties in China's rural interior brings fascinating revelations about arranged marriages, women's inferior status in both their natal and married homes, and the Confucian proverbs and myriad superstitions that informed daily life. Beginning with a detailed and heartbreaking description of Lily and her sisters' foot binding ("Only through pain will you have beauty. Only through suffering will you have peace"), the story widens to a vivid portrait of family and village life. Most impressive is See's incorporation of nu shu, a secret written phonetic code among women—here between Lily and Snow Flower—that dates back 1,000 years in the southwestern Hunan province ("My writing is soaked with the tears of my heart,/ An invisible rebellion that no man can see"). As both a suspenseful and poignant story and an absorbing historical chronicle, this novel has bestseller potential and should become a reading group favorite as well.

December 9th, chez Lynnea in Eden Prairie, for our annual book exchange. We all bring a book from our shelf that we love, wrapped with care, to share with our fellow "lecture" lovers. (That is the french word for you anglophones. . . :-)
January 13th will be chez Lisa in Hudson, book still to be determined!
Welcome to all newbies too!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

September 2007

Anyone volunteer for hosting?

Any book ideas?

Should we make it the 16th?

Here is what I am reading for school.
Talk to me people!